Grow your business with easy to use BunnyDoc features

Explore all the features that business requires to improve collaboration and increase productivity.

Popular features
Add Signature Field
Drag and drop the signature field on the document.
Sign from Mobile
Draw or type a signature from your mobile device.
Audit Trail
Keep track of all signing events and changes for each document using court-admissible audit trail.
Documents and Templates
Import PDF
Import PDF document to fill it in and send out for signatures.
Fill Forms
Add data to the document and send it out for signing
Create Template
Create template for most usable documents and save your time.
Template Link
Create templates and share the direct link over website to grab signatures and data.
Document Preview
Have a quick look to the document with document preview.
Document Modification
Modify the document fields or signers after it is sent out for signatures.
Notifications and Reminders
Ensure that signers do not forget signing and completing the document by sending them automatically reminders.
Expiry Notification
Setup automatic notification to send out to signers and yourself when document is close to expire.
Document Completion Notification
Set this up to receive an automatic notification when document is signed by all signers.
Document View Notification
Set this up to receive a notification when document is opened by signer.
Decline Notification
Set this up to receive a notification when document is declined by a signer.
Security and Authentication
Two factor Authentication
Secure your account with two-factor authentication
Signer Authentication
Protect your documents with dual authentication. Authenticate Signer with passcode.
Unique Document ID For Each Document
Rest assured of your document authenticity. Each document has a unique id.
Session Timeout
Session timeout if signer does not complete the document in certain time.
Your data is stored in encrypted format. When it comes to database, your passwords are not stored as a plain text.
Advanced Tools
Customize the communication with your company’s logo.
Add Signer
Easily add a signer, setup the passcode for additional security and define the fields that they are going to sign
Multiple Signers
Get single document signed by multiple people.
Bulk Send
Send a document to many recipients. It is good when formal acknowledgement required.
Replace Recipient
Change a recipient or update the email address even after the document is sent out.
Delete Role
Change the numbers of signers by deleting the role before sending it out.
Multiple Role
Create signature workflow by defining who can sign and complete specific fields.
Manage Team
Add, edit or delete your team members from a single screen.
Signature Restriction
Set this up if you are not accepting all type (draw, type, upload) of signatures.